Alrighty, mates! Here's the second of Finn's Companion's. ---------- Finn's Companion #2 Julius 7, 1668 ---------- This week, an index! I will be sending this to the GM list with the GM's pages in it. This list does not have them listed. advantages 125 descriptions 158 inheritance chart 162 language chart 163 arcana 127 hubris descriptions 169 hubris 127,234 virtue descriptions 171 virtue 127 avalon 34,57 backgrounds 125,233 list 166 castille 36,60 combat see also: mass combat, naval combat action dice and initiative 28,190 active defense 192 armor 196 attack 29,192 damage values 29 damage 193 defense knack table 192 defense knacks 28 dramatic wounds 30,129,195 improvised weapons 194 interrupt actions 191 knocked out 195 lying prone and getting up 191 movement 192 NPC wounds 31,196 offhand penalty 192 passive defense 191 ranged attacks 193 surprise 196 weapons table 194 wound checks 194 wounds 17,29,128 drama actions 26 contested roll 27,188 drama dice 26,31,189 exploding dice 186 rolling dice 185 rounds and phases 28 simple roll 26,187 time 184 duels 88 eisen 38,62 equipment list 24,25 dracheneisen equipment 160 guilder 185 experience points 197 knack advancement 198 trait advancement 198 guilds jenny's guild 72 swordsman's 72 vendel league 16,71 vendel league: nine chairs 95 hero 20 questions 112 concept 112 six steps 115 honor 87 gentleman's word 87 woman's honor 88 knowledge 88 archaeology 88 architecture and construction 88 astronomy 88 chemistry 89 mathematics 89 medicine 89 navigation 90 recent discoveries 90 weapons and warfare 90 language pirate speak 247 pronunciation guide 245 sailor speech 96 Legend of the Five Rings changes 27 monsters 101 montaigne 40,63 ocean 91 bad fortune 94 foul weather jack 94 good fortune 94 justice 93 mother ocean 93 sailor 92 seven seas 85 superstitions 92 pirates 99 brotherhood charter 251 brotherhood of the coast 99 captain gosse's crew 100 crimson roger 100 kheired-din's corsairs 101 sea dogs 100 vesten raiders 99 professions archaeologists 174 chaplains/priests 21,177 courtiers 175 explorer's society 20 fate witch 22 noble 23 pirates/sailors 18,176 sorcerors 178 swordsman 19,118,179 raises 28,188 repartee 198 witty repartee table 199 reputation 88,129 effects of reputation actions 130 reputation actions chart 129 secret society 81 die kreuzritter 84 explorer's society 15,84 invisible college 16,81 knightly order of the rose and cross16,82 rilasciare 16,83 ship griffon 248 pirate's crew 96 sailor speech 96 ship record sheet 180 ship's crew 95 skills and knacks 17,119,187,233 civil skill description 133 civil skill list 122 martial skill description 151 martial skill list 123 swordsman schools 144 societies adventuring charter example 251 charter 232 sorcery 17,118,200 glamour 200 heritages 200 laerdom 203 porte 212 strand composition 221 ussura 214 vodacce 219 syrne 104 sites 105 theah 15 calendar 85 courts 86 current events 55 history 52 nations 57 the seven seas 85 traits 17,119,186,232 rank 0 traits 186 ussura 42,65 vaticine church 72 big questions 77 credo 75 message and messenger 73 nations and their faiths 75 objectionist reform 74 vendel 44,67 villains vodacce 46,69 wealth 131 rank/commission 132