From: Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 13:13:48 -0500 (CDT) Subject: [7th Sea RPG GM] Finn's Companion #6 ------------------- Finn's Companion #6 Corantine 13, 1668 by: Carl Gilchrist ------------------- While there are many hunters after the fine Syrneth artifacts that lay around Theah, there are other artifacts to hunt as well. While there are no Syrne around to argue about the digging up of their artifacts, the Vestenmannavnjar will be quite interested in the discovery of any of these artifacts. The gods of the Vestenmannavnjar walked Theah, they will tell you. If these artifacts legends are true, then perhaps they did. All of these items would be held in great esteem by Vestenmannavnjar , and they would want to these items to be used for the greatest use. Not necessarily in their own hands, but in the hands of a villain or Vendel they would certainly do something to get them away from them. The Gauntlets of Kreig ---------------------- During the "Worst Days" in the gods battles against Legion, the gods joined in forces and shared their power in their battles. Krieg was said to have been gifted these gauntlets to better battle Legion. These gauntlets are made of some sort of grey-green leather, and will cover up to a 6 foot wearer's elbow. Incredibly tough, it is said they are from the hide of the great Drachen. The gauntlets are backed with 4 iron plates that cover the entire length of the gauntlet. These gauntlets are indestructible to any force known to Theah at this point. The truly interesting things about these gauntlets is that a rune sits upon the back of each gauntlet, where the back of the hand would be. Each rune is the same, but the rune changes from day to day. Game Effects: Using these gauntlets does 2k2 damage, and grant a free raise with all Panzerhand knacks. At the dawn of each day, roll on the table(s) below to determine which rune appears on the back of each gauntlet. The wearer is still limited to the number of runes they can activate each day by their wits. Weather runes are usable once in the day, and Runes that require a duration last for 6 rounds. Roll 1d10 1-3 table A 4-6 table B 7-9 table C 10 their is no rune on the gauntlets today table A 1-Kjott 2-Bevegelse 3-Varsel 4-Ensomhet 5-Styrke 6-Krieg 7-Uvitenhet 8-Stans (weather effect only) 9-Storsaed 10-Kyndighet table B 1-Sterk 2-Velstand (Wisdom effect only) 3-Fjell 4-Host 5-Styrke 6-Krieg 7-Grenselos 8-Nod (emotions only) 9-Sinne 10-Herje table C 1-Tungsinn 2-Reise 3-Fornuft 4-Lidenskap 5-Styrke 6-Krieg 7-Kjolig 8-Villskap 9-Krieg 10-"Herje" : When this form of the Ruin rune appears the gauntlets do not form Runes until the next Story. Hammer of Lidenskap ------------------ Lidenskap was known for his temper and the sleek edge of his blade. He was also a god who put everything he had into everything he did, including smithing. This hammer reflects the power Lidenskap had. The Hammer appears as a simple enough iron hammer, the kind smiths use. The hammer is hard enough to be used for blacksmithing works, but fine enough to be used for other sorts of smithing works, and working with leather and other crafts. Lidenskap's Rune appears on the side of the hammer. Like the other artifacts of the gods of the Vestenmannavnjar , the hammer is indestructible by forces known to modern Theah. Game Effects: The rune can be used as a heavy weapon, but at -1k0 on knacks using it in combat, as it is not balanced for combat. Used for blacksmithing, the hammer itself will generate heat in a controlled manner, such that no forge is needed. When used in the creation of objects, if the user makes 3 raises the object will be quality and fine appearance, and will accept runes readily. If a rune is inscribed upon an object made with the hammer and the 3 raises by the user of the hammer, the rune will last for 5 years. If the inscriber (and owner of the hammer) permanently sacrifices a panache die, the rune will last for 50 years. If the inscriber (and owner...) sacrifices their life in the creation of this object and rune, the rune is permanent. Axe of Stans ------------ This heavy battle axe is perfectly balanced, and made of some sort of bright shiny metal, that doesn't rust, pit, or corrode. The wielder will find himself (or herself) fighting with great calm when using the axe, and able to control the pace of the battle better. Game Effects: The axe does standard damage for a heavy weapon, but adds +1k0 to all heavy weapon knacks while being used. The wielder may also reroll one initiative die when being rolled like the combat reflexes advantage. (This with the advantage, does allow two initiative dice to be rerolled) Carrying the axe on your person also calms the bearer. Giving the bearer +2k1 on any rolls to resist any sort of intense emotion or aggression. All attempts to charm, intimidate, or taunt the bearer have their TN's increased by 10. The Cup of Storsaed ------------------- This iron goblet,simple enough, but with fine etchings in increasingly complex patterns, was owned originally by Storsaed when he was squire to Styrke. Carried by greatness and used as the fulfiller of strength, this cup has gained in power. Any liquid poured into the cup turns into a fine alchohol (the type appears to vary with drinker). All poisons are neutralized in the cup. Drinking this mead is quite refreshing and invigorating. Game Effects: Drinking from the cup counts as a good meal for the day. Three times and you are full. This can only be done for brawn+resolve days though. After that, and while refreshing, no longer counts as a meal. Additionally, drinking from the cup grants a free drama die, that can be used normally. A drinker can only gain this benefit once story. Cloak of Tungsinn ----------------- Tungsinn was the embodiment of nihilism and depression. Tungsinn was necessary to remind the gods of the losses they had suffered and to prevent such loss again, but none too much cared for his presence and often tried to forget that he was there. Wearing this drab gray cloak Tungsinn was often forgotten and not noticed. He would use this talent to escape imminent destruction to tell others of the losses that he missed. Game Effects: Wearing the cloak adds +2k0 to all stealth and shadowing rolls of the wearer. However, its far more useful ability, is that the wearer isn't noticed, or just accepted as being normal for where he or she is. The watcher needs to make a WITS roll versus a TN of the wearers' (Panache+2)*5. If he fails the watched will not notice the wearer or just accept their presence if there is no way they could not be noticed. This is not totally foolproof, and sometimes the wearer will be noticed no matter what, especially in locals of extreme security. Plus grey cloaks aren't always in fashion, and if that wouldn't fit, you may have trouble. Good Sailing! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl Gilchrist aka Shinjo Shinden aka Captain Morgan York home page: L5R list faq: 7th Sea page: --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Contents Copyright (C) 1997,98,99 by ALDERAC ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, INC.