From: on behalf of Richard Tomasso [] Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 2:09 PM Subject: [7th Sea RPG] Noble [JOHN, KEVIN] What's the advantage of being a noble? What do you get for those 10 points? There's the money, but IMO that's not worth 10 points. Can you expect to be granted an audience with the monarch? Are you above the law? Do you have higher status with the courts or police? Can you do anything you want on your land? Can you request aid from your countrymen and expect to get it? Is there some inherent reputation with being a noble? If you are challenged to a duel, do you have special options (ie, on the spot hire someone to defend you)? Is attacking a noble a capital offense? Would the defending noble have the right to dispatch the attacker by any means necessary? Can you expect preferential treatment anywhere you go? What rights and priviledges do nobles have in other countries? --- To unsubscribe, send a message to "" and put "unsubscribe 7thsea (or 7thsea-digest)" in the body of the message. Contents Copyright (C) 1997,98,99 by ALDERAC ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, INC.