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Finn's Companion
Battle Academy
Welcome to the Brilliant Victory Poll
started September 24

Your source for News, Rumours, and other Information for

Theah and the Seventh Sea.


If you have anything to report, please leave me feedback or email me. Thanks.

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     Redi, Septimus the 24th, 1668     2105
John Wick's World
John Wick's recent article and reasons for leaving AEG are at the gaming outpost.
5:13 pm cst

Site of the Day
Some funny stuff today. At Rockwood! This comic strip originated by Brian Lundmark at the University of Oklahoma School paper. He continues it on the web, long since past out of the University. Funny stuff, check it out. Current strips and archive of older ones.
3:43 pm cst

Finn's Companion
Finn's companion should be done and be mailed out tonight or tomorrow.
3:36 pm cst

New Poll
New poll finally up, I apologize for the delay. Trying to determine what societies people have signed up for.
3:35 pm cst

     Guerdi, Septimus the 23rd, 1668     2058
Site of the Day
Apparently, we have survived a potentially disastrous event, with the Earth collapsing in on itself 
6:01 pm cst  ;-)

Site Updates

  • The Docks have a few items added on pirates and an example of ship construction. 2:09 pm cst
  • The Avalon Bard Academy has a brief legend of Odin.2:00 pm cst

Uncharted Waters website updated
Uncharted Waters: The Journal of Dr. Phineas Jones
was updated on the 16th of this month. This site and other Seventh Sea websites can be found at Ports of Call.
1:56 pm cst

Spam Attacks
The 7th Sea list server has been having spam attacks, so they had to set the list to only take messages from people who are subscribed to the list. So if you have something to post to the list keep that in mind.
1:53 pm cst

     Terdi, Septimus the 22nd, 1668     2012
Site of the Day
I'm a Bill Willingham fan from way back. He is now working with a group of other authors in a collection of short stories set in the fictional city of San Cibola. Modern day meets magic, mayhem, mirth, the mafia, and a bunch of other "m's". Check out the Clockwork Storybook
1:28 pm cst

2000 hits
2000 hits as of today. Thanks folks. Keep coming back.
1:25 pm cst

     Amordi, Septimus the 21st, 1668      1973
Site of the Day
Because I had to put my cat, my 15 year companion, to sleep this weekend. The site for today is for others who have suffered similar losses or are having to consider the possibility, at the AVMA's pet loss page. Here are some more links on the subject.
5:50 pm cst

Finn's Companion
Finn's Companion #10 was sent to the mailing list last friday. It is now in my Companion Archive as well.
5:34 pm cst

Tower Updates.
The Tower has some updates, including excerpts from long list discussions of genetics and the nature of magic.
2:40 pm cst

New Mailing List
Mike Underwood has started a Sea Dog Mailing List
2:27 pm cst

John Wick's World...

  • John Wick is leaving AEG. Read his own posting on the subject.  2:14 pm cst
  • John Wick has his new column up at the gaming outpost. 2:15 pm cst
     Guerdi , Septimus the 16th, 1668     1817
No Quarter Release Date
According to David Williams, the first expansion for the No Quarter card game goes to the printer this month for a December release.
2:50 pm cst

No Quarter Demo
There is a demo in West Windsor, NJ and a demo in Tulsa,OK this Saturday the 18th. Go if you want to learn more about the No Quarter card game or meet people who play the game.
2:47 pm cst

Kevin Wilson Speaks...

  • A posting on the prophets and the church 2:42 pm cst
  • A few words on upcoming information for playing priests. 2:39 pm cst

AEG Bounty Hunter's vs. Floyd
This post is actually from the L5R list and probably applies more to those subjects. However I think its really excellent of AEG to do this.
2:36 pm cst

     Terdi, Septimus the 15th, 1668     1760
Site of the Day
Resources for Mythology.
5:36 pm cst

Fallen Hawk Inn and Tavern Updated
The Fallen Hawk Inn and Tavern has several new items regarding character creation and rules.
3:40 pm cst

     Amordi, Septimus the 14th, 1668     1683
The current poll will end Friday, the 17th. Look for a new poll then.
5:00 pm cst

Ackenheil Battle Academy
The Ackenheil Battle Academy has a number of new items on it as well. "For all your battle needs"- Erik Ackenheil, Battlemaster.
1:45 pm cst

Computer Gaming and Site of the Day
If you haven't played it yet, Heroes of Might and Magic III (from 3D0)is a blast. I have spent entirely too much time playing that game. You always want to play just one more turn...
So go to the Guild Companion site, a monthly online magazine "which aims to provide quality articles, fiction, and reviews for all gamers, whether they are role-players, collectible card gamers, wargamers, or all of the above!" and read a review for Heroes of Might and Magic III.
1:32 pm cst

GM Section
The GM section has received a few new items. If you want the URL you need to leave me feedback or email me.
1:27 pm cst

John Wick Speaks...

     Past News
Past News for 6 September 1668 to 10 September 1668
Past News for 30 Corantine 1668 to 3 September 1668

Past News for 23 Corantine 1668 to 27 Corantine 1668
Past News for 16 Corantine 1668 to 20 Corantine 1668
Past News for 9 Corantine 1668 to 13 Corantine 1668
Past News for 2 Corantine 1668 to 6 Corantine 1668
Past News for 26 Julius 1668 to 30 Julius 1668






JULY 26 TO JULY 30 1999

AUGUST 16 TO AUGUST 20, 1999
AUGUST 23 TO AUGUST 27, 1999


The Java of the search engine is messed up somehow, and keeps redirecting the page. I'm working on what the heck is going on.


The Crossroads

Alderac Entertainment Group's Main Site

The Official 7th Sea Site




Victory is Yours!
if you want to link to my site, feel free to use this button

















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