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Finn's Companion
Battle Academy
Welcome to the Brilliant Victory Poll
start Corantine 13

Your source for news and rumours for Theah and the Seventh Sea.

If you have anything to report, please leave me feedback or email me. Thanks


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    Redi, Corantine the 13th, 1668
John Wick speaks...
On Swordsman's Guild challenges.

More Finn's Companion
In case you didn't know, Finn's Companion is my weekly attempt at material for Seventh Sea. Issue number 2 was an Index for the Player's and Gamemaster's Guide. I have since updated the index in PDF format in the library to include the GM's screen as well. When I have the money to get Pirate Nations, it to will make it into the update index.

Finn's Companion
Finn's Companion #6 has been sent to the mailing list, and is available in the Companion section. It is oriented more for GM's this time as it is about ancient artifacts.

Site of the Day
Looking for entertainment news,but don't want to search fifteen different sites to learn what's new in music, television, and movies? Check out Zentertainment. He searches all those sites and you can join his mailing list and get all the info Zentertainment learns mailed straight to you on what's new.

Avalon Ball
Sean Holland is renewing his Avalonian Ball request.

There is a new poll. Check it out and let your opinion be known. Also check out the results from the last poll: What is your favorite country?

     Guerdi, Corantine the 12th, 1668
Timetables of History
Jade Tinnerman has posted an interest in putting together a sort of "Timetables of History" for Theah.

Beyond Magazine
This online interactive magazine, Volume 1, Issue 8 has a spotlight on the Seventh Sea. It includes reviews of the main books, and information on some special islands straight from AEG.

Site of the Day
Tobe Tennyson has posted this Avalon insult generator (which I have as the Shakespearean insult generator). This leads us to our site of the day, the Elizabethan Curse Generator . Useful if you want the computer to randomly generate your curses.

My website provider (kind as they are) has informed me that they will be moving servers, so this site will be down in the wee hours of this Saturday morning. Hopefully there should be no troubles. I have had no trouble with this provider to this point (I really like them), and hope none starts now.

Mailing List
Darkedge gaming, which runs the mailing list has new information on prefixes for the various lists, and the start of the CCG mailing list.

Storyline and Timeline
John Wick has an official post on the status of updating the storyline timeline.

Site Updates

  • Valamir has some thoughts on the shipbuilding rules at The Docks.
  • The GM area has some more posted Syrne artifacts as well as a posted gaming session
  • Tobe Tennyson posted a list of Books for your characters to find in Theah. Check the Library.
  • The reviews of the main books from "Beyond Adventure" magazine can be found in On Deck.
     Terdi, Corantine the 11th, 1668
Site of the Day
Watch movies? Television? See all those little annoying details that really get to you? So does everyone else at this Nitpicking site.

Product Information
Products available for Seventh Sea and information available about them are to be found On Deck

Pirate Nations
Ronald Johnson has posted some more information on the contents of Pirate Nations.

Official Website
It appears as though the Official Seventh Sea website has been updated as far as its appearance goes. There doesn't appear to be any new material as of yet.

Kevin Wang posts some words about the Timeline of the world of Theah.

Player Database
The Vestibule of Theah is starting a player/GM database. This is to help people locate other Seventh Sea gamers to play with in their area.

GenCon Fallout
John Wick has a response for the GenCon GM issue. Check out the GM area for more information on that.

Site Updates

  • The GM's area has reasons to go to Ussura.
     Amordi, Corantine the 10th, 1668
Pirate Nations
Kevin Wang has some information on the contents of Pirate Nations.

Gen Con Fallout
Gareth-Michael Skarka has some words on what's going on in the GM's list. Check out the GM area for more information.

Site of the Day
Use this website to find archaic and hardly used words. Very nice for interjecting into a game.

Site Updates

     Veldi, Corantine the 9th, 1668
Mailing List
Brakiss has started a mailing list for the CCG over on onelist.

Gen Con Information

  • Kevin Wang posted that the demo's for Seventh Sea were in high demand. This bodes well.
  • Kevin Wang also has some news that bodes ill for Seventh Sea GM's. We'll have to see how this plays out. More information on the GM page.

Search Engine
I have added a search engine to the site. Probably not needed now, but as information is added, I believe it will become more useful. As I added it today, it may take up to 24 hours for the spiders to index the site.

Site of the Day
If you like the Blair Witch Project, you should try out the Brooklyn Witch Project.

Website moved
The Vestibule of Theah, which appeared to be closing briefly, now has a new home.

New Website
The Jack Raven has set sail. Check out other Seventh Sea Websites at Other Ports of Call.

Firearm malfunctions
Pat Gamblin posted this idea for Firearm malfunctions. Check out more on it and other combat information at the Ackenheil Battle Academy

Went and saw two movies this weekend, "Mystery Men" and "The Sixth Sense". "Mystery Men" is good and fun, "The Sixth Sense" is excellent. I heartily recommend it.

Site Updates

  • Other Estates has added several new links for Renaissance and Maritime links
     Past News
Past News for 2 Corantine 1668 to 6 Corantine 1668
Past News for 26 Julius 1668 to 30 Julius 1668












JULY 26 TO JULY 30 1999



The Crossroads

Alderac Entertainment Group's Main Site

The Official 7th Sea Site




Victory is Yours!
if you want to link to my site, feel free to use this button

GM Information:
There is an area on this site for GM's only. If you need the address just email me or leave feedback.




































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